Abdessamad B. Mashaa Allah. Where are you from ! 28 mars 2016 22:46
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري I'm from Gambia living in Uk , what about you brother ? 9 avril 2016 18:37
khalidoune Where is 27 mars 2016 20:20
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري Gambia Africa 27 mars 2016 21:02
khalidoune They are a website 27 mars 2016 23:23
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري No no connection no computer very poor people 28 mars 2016 09:24
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري Foto taken on my holiday to home 28 mars 2016 09:25
Abdessamad B.
Mashaa Allah ! It's so pure and beatufil
28 mars 2016 22:47
Abdessamad B. How can we help you and send you money and furniture ? 28 mars 2016 22:50
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري We can do it to the madrasa community,anything money chairs books including teachers 29 mars 2016 00:01
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري In living in Uk but there association in Spain who do help madrasa and mosques around the Gambisara Gambia 29 mars 2016 00:05
Abdessamad B. Great, can we have the name and the address of the association ? 4 avril 2016 17:04
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري
Gambisara Development Association Spain .Registration number is CIF. G 17705302 Full address is C/Alhambra ,1-3-1 Blanes 17300 Girona Spain 00+34 665 33 39 62 you can see the bank details in my Mashaa llah
Gambisara Development Association Spain .Registration number is CIF. G 17705302 Full address is C/Alhambra ,1-3-1 Blanes 17300 Girona Spain 00+34 665 33 39 62 you can see the bank details in my Mashaa llah
Gambisara Development Association Spain .Registration number is CIF. G 17705302 Full address is C/Alhambra ,1-3-1 Blanes 17300 Girona Spain 00+34 665 33 39 62 you can see the bank details in my Mashaa llah
5 avril 2016 19:55
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري [email protected] 6 avril 2016 08:50
Dukuray Sukuna باةوري ابراهـيم دوكوري آمين 6 avril 2016 08:55