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Urwa Azam

  • Urwa Azam
    On the occasion of Hajjatul-Wida (The Farewell Hajj) Rasulullah among other advices said with regard to women; "0 People! fear Allah with regard to your wives. You have taken them into your possession with the permission of Allah." *This hadith clearly admonishes man not to abuse his authority over woman and to fear his Creator in regard to his dealings with them as Allah has placed them in his trust, by making them lawful for him through the sacred bond of nikah. If the husband maltreats them, in reality he is misappropriating the trust that Allah has entrusted to him, What an honourable position Islam has secured for women that Allah himself takes their affairs as His responsibility! ??
    • 25 mai 2016 00:00 Par Urwa Azam
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